Monday, April 25, 2011

Open these eyes! I'm a 27 year old blind women!

I'm 27 years old....and a half.  And I often times feel so blind.  I don't wear glasses or contacts, I've never had to feel my way around the house.  As far as I can tell I'm pretty on point with recognizing different shades of colors and yet I am often so incredibly blind.  Everyday, I'm in and out of peoples lives.  We're all connected, Facebook and other social networks along with the ever so convenient smart phone have made sure of that.  Of course their are several advantages and disadvantages but one thing I've noticed about how we're "connected and relate" we often miss out on meaningful relationships.  This week I have decided that above all else, I want to truly walk with the Lord.  My hunger for that personal time with the Father has been amplified but more that that my desire to SEE has also increased. I"m tired of looking through my physical eyes, these bad boys only allow me to see so much.  The eyes of my heart are the ones I long to look through, the eyes that see to the heart of other individuals.  To their hurts and their needs, I'm so incredibly tired of looking in the mirror and only seeing myself.  I posted a status last night on my facebook about if anyone needed prayer request to please email me, I truly want to focus on others needs....the responses I got nearly drove me to tears.  My heart broke as I not only read the needs of my friends past and present, but to know that how "connected" we are....we'll were really not at all.  Father forgive me for being so self consumed to not hear or see the burdens of those around me.  We're all in this together team, and if we take some time and choose to put our own "to-do" lists aside for just a moment we might see that those around us need some help! :)  We are mightier together, and I'm so thankful that even for just today I can see.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today is Monday.

Today is Monday.  And I FULLY understand that like most people I'm suppose to despise this day.  I'm suppose to hit the alarm clock and along with that incredibly annoying buzz thing to myself "ughhh it's Monday."  Force my feet to sing over the side of the bed and sit there with my hands on my head reciting that daunting phrase over and over until I finally slap my face with a few splashes of cold water and then make my way to the coffee pot for a quick gust of false liquid energy.  But to be honest....I don't feel like that at all. 

Monday to me is a empty canvas, a horizon of endless possibilities for the week.  Monday is just like a morning to me, a flawless breath of fresh air.  Last week is behind me and the new week is before me. 

This morning I finally got back into the word of God.  Its something I had let slide for a few weeks.  With the excuse of nothing more than laziness, and selfishness.  And the word I received today was nothing less than Divine.
Romans 12:1 - Let love be without hypocrisy.  Abhor what is evil.  Cling to what is good.
Its pretty discouraging to say this but the truth is I've been pretty horrible at all 3 of these very simple and clear cut instructions.  Love without hypocrisy. - Hmm...gosh when its put like that it seems so cut and dry, so easy to digest.  And of course our gut instinct is to say "of course!" but what IS love? Do we really fully understand that word?  Have we taken the time to completely digest all that word encompasses?  And if we haven't then how can we possibly assume that we have allowed it to be without hypocrisy?  I think of all the selfish things I've done, and how at times I really genuinely struggle to put the needs of others before my own, even and especially those I love. -- Let love be without hypocrisy. Wow, God forgive me and give me new vision for what this really looks like.

Abhor what is evil - Abhor...hate what is evil.  OF COURSE I HATE WHAT IS EVIL....or do I?  Lets be real folks.  Evil looks fun.  Evil looks glamorous.  Evil looks popular, and evil looks dangerous.  All the things we THINK we want a lot of time has a root in evil.  And really somethings that aren't even evil become evil simply because of where our heart lies concerning it.  I can't say I hate money, I actually like money.  But when all I desire is money, we've now crossed over to evil.  Too often I find myself making that subtle transition and not even realizing it until I'm far too gone and end up having to spend some serious time in spiritual purging.  I pray I abhor evil, to truly abhor evil I have a feeling my life would look considerably different.  And not out of religious "duty" or legalism, but out of a genuine desire and love for the Father.

Cling to what is Good.  C-L-I-N-G.  To hold tightly.  I think about how quickly my world gets turned upside down, when I take my eyes off of God.  Even simple things, like taking care of myself which is seemingly a good thing can easily become a bad thing when it devours all my time and energy.  God is good.  He will ALWAYS be good, because He has always BEEN good.  If we are clinging to God, everything else will fall into its place.  God is truly the only rock in this life.  All else is decaying from the time it is created.  Why place your Faith in anything other than God, He is the only one that will still be when we cease to exists on this earth anymore.

Let love be without hypocrisy.  Abhor what is evil.  Cling to what is good.
Happy Monday to you!